Saturday, April 21, 2007

Galviston Texas visit to NASA Johnston Space Center

Yesterday we drove to NASA Johnston Space Center, on the way there it was very sad because we saw a traffic accident. We were stopped at a red light on the highway and Ernest pointed out to me a car speeding down the ditch on the other side of the road all smashed up in the front. It finally came to a crashing stop when it hit a post. Two young guys jumped out and the one quickly sat down and the other was walking around the car kinda dazed. Then the light turned green and we went through the intersection and just a few yards ahead was a man lying face down right in the middle of the road. There were a few cars stopped already and a man and lady were looking at the man on the road but not touching him or doing anything for him, (I think he was dead there). Another car was upside down in the ditch on our side of the road. I told Ernest it was good thing he took the garbage out and delayed us a bit or we may of been the ones in that accident. After we did our tour of the Space Center and we came home the red marking from the police were all over the road where the accident happened. I checked at the office of the RV Park and they said the man was thrown out of his car and was killed.

There is tight security at the Johnson Space Center, both at the gate and when you take the tour but after we left and stopped for lunch we saw three helicopters flying and stopped in the air over the Space Center area. There were also lots of Police cars along the road, parked but facing that area. On the news that night they said a worker came in with a gun and held two hostages and ended up killing one and himself. I wonder how he got in with a gun!

This was a depressing day but here are a few photos from the Space Center anyway.

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