It just started to snow now, they say it will snow tonight and tomorrow....We took Kiana and Keeli to feed the bunnies (we have wild bunnies in town by Orchard Park). We took some photos but I have not downloaded them yet. We fed them carrots, apples, and some green way of using up old produce from the fridge. After we fed the bunnies we went to feed ourselves at "Wendy's". It was nice to visit with the girls, probably the last outing with them before we leave for Yuma. If I get the photos downloaded I will post them here later. We put another load of food into the motor home fridge today and I am still gathering cloths and computer stuff to take on the trip....yuk, I hait packing.....
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
Road Closed
I just check the road and weather for the route we would take south and I see interstate 84 is closed....I copied and pasted the information....
I-84MP 302 - 265I-84, Intersection with Whitney Highway ORE7
ClosureWeather Impact
Lanes Affected: (Westbound) Median , 2 Lanes (Eastbound) Median , 2 LanesComments: The freeway between La Grande and Baker is closed to all traffic at this time due to blizzard like conditions.
Public Contact: Road Report
Phone: (800) 977-6368
Incident #: 53042
Last Updated: 12/28/2007 07:23 am
Looks like it is a good thing we decided to wait out the weather a few more days.....
Posted by
7:37:00 AM
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Visiting Brad and Marnie
We are all at Brad's tonight. It is going to snow again tonight and the pass in Oregon looks bad still. I think we will be home one more day. Maybe we will leave on Saturday. Sunday looks a bit better and Monday is mostly sunny and a bit cloudy in the USA. Jill if you see this blog, try calling me on Skype.
Posted by
7:36:00 PM
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Snowing AGAIN!
Dang, it is snowing again....We had a beautiful breakfast at Jen & Ken's and then we just visited until about 3:00pm. Now we are home and I am going to start packing up my Christmas Decorations...we still have not loaded the motor home but I have lots ready to put in it. I have been checking the "road cams" and weather reports/forecasts for the route we take south, it is not looking good....Our granddaughter KIANA has made a wish that it snows so much that we get snowed in and then we have to stay home... Well I better go, soon Brad will be here for dinner and I would like to put away a few things before he comes...Anyway we wish you all a Merry Christmas Night....happy boxing day shopping for those who will brave the crowds tomorrow.
Posted by
3:53:00 PM
Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas!
Well the turnkey is in the oven and stuffing is made (I do mine outside the turkey). I also have the cranberry sauce for a quick clean up of the house and setting of the table. It is sunny right now and we may still go in to town for a bit. The roads do not look good for out trip south, I am looking at the web cams and checking the weather for our route. They are predicting more snow and Ernest says maybe we will not leave on the 27th if it is bad.....who knows, he says that and then he wants to go....I would rather sit here at home than in the motor home..... oh well a couple days to go so we will see...... Have A MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE!!!!
Posted by
11:32:00 AM
Sunday, December 23, 2007
White Christmas
It is snowing again today, looks like we will have a WHITE CHRISTMAS. Our friends are leaving for Clear Water today, Pete's surgery went well and he had a good day resting here yesterday. We played Sequence again last night and us girls beat the guys (again!)..... It is nice having Pete and Vi here especially since they will not be Yuma this winter. I still have not started packing the motor home or our cloths for the trip..... gonna be rushed if I do not get going!!!! We had the kids in for dinner on the 20th and they all opened their gifts from us then, the grand kids were all happy with the things we picked out for them so it made us feel good. We are having Christmas dinner here with Brad and his two kids, and Jen and her family...Marnie and her girls are in Calgary this year by themselves. Then Christmas day it will just be us and Brad for left over dinner.... Jen and her family will be at Ken's Aunt Mary's...Boxing Day is our Naka family dinner at the hall, about 60 or 70 of us depending on who is home. We plan on leaving on Dec 27th..... Merry Christmas to you all....I may do another blog before the Big Day but who knows with this busy time of year.
Posted by
9:12:00 AM
Friday, December 14, 2007
The Elf Family
Dale, Ernest, Brad and Jen dressed as Elf's and dancing like you have never seen before. Very Funny!! Take a look!
Posted by
6:13:00 PM
Monday, December 10, 2007
Here are some photos from our BUNKO night. We had the family in for "order in Chinese" and then we played BUNKO. Our son-in law was not home as he was coaching Ringette in Enderby.....he missed a fun time but we will do it again before we leave for Yuma. Here are some pictures, I left a camera on the head table as asked them to take photos as they play. Oh ya I added some of my tree and our house,

Posted by
5:16:00 PM
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Merry Christmas!
For a larger view of this card see it in my FotoFusion Gallery,
Posted by
9:28:00 AM
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Ernest Update
He went to the Ophthalmologist today, he has Glaucoma in his left eye. He has some drops to put in it every day a dinner time. He will need these drops probably for the rest of his life. We think it was caught early and with this treatment it will not get worse for a long time......anyway time will tell, he has to go back in one week for another check.
I have been busy helping a sick friend so I have not done much here on the blog. I do have the lights outside replaced and so far no one has taken them....I miss taking a photo when we had snow and now the snow is gone so will wait until we get more.
Well I better go make dinner.....
Posted by
5:17:00 PM
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Christmas Light Story!
Well, today we found half of our light set is returned! It seems the thief cut the net light set in half and returned one side to us! We got the side with the male socket ( I guess that is what you call the end you plug the next set into)...any way it was hanging in a bunch on the far side of the tree today....Of course it is of no use to us other than I can take the lights out and save them for replacement bulbs.... I wonder why they did this, are they trying to tell me something???? We are going to buy another set tonight, maybe a should buy a few extra boxes and just leave them outside by the tree in case our thief needs more....ha ha ha...I can laugh now that I am over being totally p----- off! So what do you guys think of this, you can leave a comment here is you wish! Maybe tomorrow I will get a photo of the lights outdoors.
Posted by
4:20:00 PM
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Christmas Spirit
I was going to take a photo of our house decorated for Christmas tonight now that we have snow...but guess what....someone stole one set of my net I have to try to find some more to buy and there are not many out there here in Kelowna...I am P----!! I wonder how they can feel good about their home decorated with stolen lights! GRRRRRRR......
Posted by
8:53:00 PM
Monday, November 26, 2007
Snow :( Monday Nov. 26th 7:00 pm
Just to let you know, it started to snow here about 45 minutes ago....I AM SAD....some photos of the house will be posted later tonight.....
Posted by
6:55:00 PM
Thursday, November 22, 2007
New Scrapbook Pages Added to Slide Show
Well I have not posted here for a while. I have been busy putting up my Christmas Tree and Ernest helped me put out the outside decorations. I will take a photo once we get some snow, somehow it just does not look right with out snow here in Kelowna. In Yuma last year we enjoyed seeing the decorations with out any snow but then we knew we were in the desert and it was fine.
We have been busy going to Ringette games and Soccer games, the granddaughters like it when we watch and we love to go. The girls are happy we will be here for their school concerts and their visits to the mall and senior centers for Christmas Caroling. I wish we were home in January to see Rayven sing and Brayden play his guitar in their concert (from their music school). We will be home in time for Meeca and Mikayla's dance recital as that is in May or June.
Ernest is doing good, he has to have his colon checked again but it should be fine, had a bit of blood in his stool but we forgot to stop his baby aspirin a few days before the test. He also has to have his eyes checked again for pressure behind the eye. We are a bit concerned about that as he just had it done in October and now the doctor has called for him to come in for 2 appointments early in Dec.
We took the motor home in to have the satellite dish replaced and they found the one installed at the factory was installed wrong and we had a leak...there was not sign of it from the inside of the motor home! They kept it in the shop to dry out and then they are fixing it. We were driven home and are waiting for a call as to when we can go down and get it. It was a good thing they found that problem before it got too bad.
Well so much for my news, I will post some photos soon but if your interested take a few minutes and view the slide show of my scrap book pages...I added 6 new pages.
Posted by
10:39:00 AM
Sunday, November 04, 2007
My Nephew Came to visit!!
My nephew Todd (aka Tyson) found a dog (named Ernie) and he returned it to its owner here in Kelowna this weekend. Since my very dear sister is in Yuma already we got the honour of a visit with Todd and his family. I had 3 of my granddaughters for a sleep over so they could play with Todd's daughter Megan! Sorry Irene but you "JUST HAD TO GET TO YUMA BEFORE US, HA HAHA!!"
Here is the story of Ernie, the lost dog. As told by Todd...I copied it from Todd's chatline!
This weekend, I found a very passive and calm dog that was wandering around, completely disoriented and lost in the Peterhope Lake area (looks possibly like a Jack Russell cross with coarse hair). I need your help to find its owner to return it to its proper home -- or if I am unable to locate them -- to possibly find it a new home.Here's the dog's story:This past weekend, while I was fishing and camping at Peterhope Lake with a group of my friends, I found a stray/lost dog that was in desperate need of help. It was well below freezing on the first night (Friday Oct 26th), and this dog had survived the cold weather and evaded a pack of coyotes that we heard yipping. He was quite stressed when we found it on Saturday. It had been spotted by two separate groups, walking around for approximately four miles to six from the camping area (in both directions).It was extremely hungry and devoured a hot dog and some bread that I fed it. I picked it up and snuggled it under my jacket by the fire until its body temperature came back up to normal and he seemed to perk-up a bit. His joints in his legs were very stiff and he limped whenever he walked, as his poor little feet were quite sore from walking on the gravel roads, for who knows how long. Later that evening, he ate some steak and spaghetti that I cooked for the crowd.I have no clue as to when he originally went missing, but his nails were quite unkept and long. I have attached some photos to hopefully help to identify him! I can only assume that he ran away while camping in the area with his family, or ran away from a cabin or home nearby. I asked a local resident, who had also seen the dog, but was unable to approach it as it shied away when he approached. He told me that he has lived there for quite some time and had never seen this dog before.So, I let the dog sleep in my canopy with me Saturday night and rather tha leaveing it there to eventually die, I took him home with me today (Sunday) to stop at Merrit to check with the local SPCA. I was told that Merrit doesn't have an SPCA anymore, so I took it home to Maple Ridge.Hopefully someone in the Kamloops area can ask around or contact me if they recognize this dog from the following photos:
I do not know if the links will work here but that is ok if they don't.
Now for some photos of the kids here at Auntie Dale's...
Posted by
10:53:00 AM
My Birthday Celebrations!
My birthday was Oct. 20th but with our grand children's busy schedule we had the family dinner on the 28th and then Ernest and I took the grand kids 10 pin bowling and dinner for my "kids party" . The "kids party" started quite a few years back when I surprised the grand kids after school and took them to "Scandia" for a birthday party for me put on by me! I told them I never had a birthday party like they have when I was small and now I want a fun party too! Now as they are getting older this is our second year to go bowling. So here are a few photos of my dinner, put on my MARNIE & Brad and then some from the bowling party...some of them are a bit blurry as I let the little ones take the pictures. The kids now just like fooling around in the more posed perfect of them!
Posted by
9:58:00 AM
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Mushroom at Niagara Falls
Well I finally did a scrap book page, this is the first one since I came home. The photo of the mushrooms was taken in Niagara Falls this summer. It is simple but I think effective!
Posted by
10:58:00 PM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Just Saying Hi!
Last week flew by, I can not believe we have been home a month already. Last week Jen and I had lunch with Barb Newton, it was nice catching up and seeing her photos of David's wedding. On Tuesday we had the motor home windshield replaced and then on Friday we had to take it to Penticton for service. We had a doctor appointment on Wed. and it was all good news for Ernest there. My birthday was on Saturday!

Posted by
9:14:00 AM
Thursday, October 18, 2007
News Flash!
Ernest passed a Kidney Stone! Here are a few photos of it, I hope it does not gross you out too much. It is not much smaller than the kernel of corn! The pea is a Wasabe pea!
Posted by
7:29:00 PM
Monday, October 15, 2007
Catching Up!

Posted by
3:39:00 PM
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Monday, October 01, 2007
Busy Doing ?????
We have been home for a week and it seems like we were never away!
We have been busy with Dr. appointments for Ernest, today we went to see his eye specialist. He has a bit of trouble driving in the dark, the Dr. says he has the start of cataracts just like 90% of people his age. He also has uneven pressure in his eyes and has to go back to see the Dr. on October 9th. He was told the pressure thing could cause glaucoma. Ernest has had a busy 3 days, he picked apples for a friend on Saturday, golfed 18 holes on Sunday and this afternoon he picked apples again after his Dr. visit. He is going again in the morning!
We had the kids Sunday night, we had appies and then played "BUNKO" and continued to snack though out the evening. It was so much fun playing the game and watching the grandkids have fun with the whole family, well almost...Ernest and Meeca were not here so we got 2 spares. Keeli and Mikayla are the most competitive of the family, they were entertaining to watch. I think even Brad and Ken enjoyed the game! Marnie and Jen are "BUNKO QUEENS" as they play twice a month with two different groups. We all agreed to play it again so that is good.
I have been working on a photo book of our trip. I do not know when I will get it done I am still doing YUMA! Oh well, I will just keep going and one day I will have it! Oh ya, speaking of our trip....the lady we met in Newfoundland phoned me today, boy was it hard to understand her accent on the phone. I send her a scrap page I did of us when we met her, she was very pleased with it and phoned to say thank you! I guess she showed it to her friends and family because she said "everyone likes it".
Well enough babbling, I better go to bed. Sorry no photos, I was going to take them of the grand kids playing "BUNKO" but I was too busy playing myself! Maybe next time. I did take a photo of Brayden's hairy legs but I do not think you want to see it (nor will he want you to, ha ha!!!) Good night!
Posted by
11:59:00 PM
Friday, September 28, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
Family Dinner
Last night we had our family in for dinner along with Marnie's mom from Alberta. It was a good feeling to have our kids and grand kids here in our home again. We had garlic shrimp, pork ribs, and chowmein along with our rice and a green bean casserole.... DQ ice cream cake came later! I had the camera out to take photos of the grand kids but since I was the cook I just never got around to it.
Ernest has just gone to the Kelowna Springs to golf with his brother Frank! I think it will be good for him and also nice for me to have the house to myself, the first time since we arrived home.
Posted by
2:45:00 PM
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Welcome Home!
On Monday night Brad and Marnie had us all over for dinner! Jen's girls bought decorations to welcome us home! Rayven and Mikayla put up the decorations while Kiana and Keeli were at Ringettte practice. Rayven and Mikayla put on a show for me in the pool and hot tub! I am so happy to be home!
Posted by
6:19:00 PM