Well we made it to Yuma, our propane froze the first day travelling. We do not know if it was Yuma propane that we bought in April or the propane we bought that day in Orville Washington. Anyway we had no heat, the stove did not stay on and fridge would not light (it gave a reading of no fuel). We stayed in the Best Western in Omak, had a nice room with two queen beds and they had a hot contental breakfast included. Ernest drained our fresh water tank so it would not freeze overnight.
The next day we drove to Pendleton Oregon, the road was bare all the way and it was part sun and part cloudy day. When we got to the Wildhorse Casino our propane had thawed and the stove and furnace was working once again. The fridge still said no fuel. It was New Years Eve and the casino had a nice Buffet with “CRAB LEGS” and other seafood as well as “PRIME RIB”. We stayed in the motor home that night but in the morning the propane was frozen again and nothing worked. We had set the heat at 60 and it never came on but we were not cold in bed and actually the room was not very cold when we got up. We turned on the generator and made toast, and hot chocolate for breakfast.
The road from Pendleton to Jack Pot Nevada was very good. The pass just south of Pendleton was clear and dry but just by Baker we had some blowing snow on the road. It was funny to see, but not to drive in. The road was clear and dry and the snow was blowing across the road, it looked about a foot high from the road surface. The road was 2 lanes and had a wide shoulder so there was no problem staying on the road, but at times it was hard to see the lines. This went on for about 5 miles, it was also very windy there so Ernest went very slow…… We stayed in Catcus Petes Casino that night, again a nice room and a great dinner.
Jackpot to Las Vegas was a nice drive, the roads were good and there was not much wind. We were in Vegas just after 3 and I checked the furnace and it worked fine as well as the stove, the fridge still said “no fuel’….hmmmm…… We went out and washed the car, had dinner at Olive Garden and the hit a casino for a few hours.
The trip from Vegas to Yuma was nice, we have a feeling of coming home when we go to Yuma. It is exciting to see Irene and Aki again as well as all our friends who winter in Yuma. Now it is time for golfing, shopping, happy hours and just having fun!