Friday, September 28, 2007
Posted by
9:50:00 AM
Monday, September 24, 2007
Family Dinner
Last night we had our family in for dinner along with Marnie's mom from Alberta. It was a good feeling to have our kids and grand kids here in our home again. We had garlic shrimp, pork ribs, and chowmein along with our rice and a green bean casserole.... DQ ice cream cake came later! I had the camera out to take photos of the grand kids but since I was the cook I just never got around to it.
Ernest has just gone to the Kelowna Springs to golf with his brother Frank! I think it will be good for him and also nice for me to have the house to myself, the first time since we arrived home.
Posted by
2:45:00 PM
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Welcome Home!
On Monday night Brad and Marnie had us all over for dinner! Jen's girls bought decorations to welcome us home! Rayven and Mikayla put up the decorations while Kiana and Keeli were at Ringettte practice. Rayven and Mikayla put on a show for me in the pool and hot tub! I am so happy to be home!
Posted by
6:19:00 PM
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Monday, September 17, 2007
We are home at last! It was a wonderful trip and we both really enjoyed it. We got home last night at about 6:30 after leaving Ron and Debbie's in Calgary around 9:30. Golden was to be our stop for the night, then Ernest says maybe we will go on a bit more and to make a long story short we ended up at home..... The kids brought to grand-kids over and what a good feeling to have us all in the same room once again.
Our daughter-in-law is having us all over for dinner tonight, it will be nice to see the kids swimming in their new pool!! I will take pictures and maybe tomorrow I will add the last of our travelling photos and the pool photos to the blog.
I will keep up the blog while I am at home, maybe not every day but for sure every couple days so if your interested at what we are doing just check it out every now and again. It was nice to hear from some of you who have been following us on our trip and I am happy you enjoyed the blog.
Well I better go and finish unpacking the motor home....yuk!!!!
Posted by
2:39:00 PM
Saturday, September 15, 2007
We are in Calgary now, visiting with friends Ron And Debbie. No pictures ready to put here will do them as I get them from camera.....Nice and warm and sunny here! It is good to so close to BC!
Posted by
7:48:00 PM
Friday, September 14, 2007
Email from our Granddaughter!
I just received this email from our granddaughter Meeca! I was so happy and surprised to get it this morning so I copied it and pasted it into my blog!!
HI NANA!!!!!! I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU AND PAPA TO COME HOME! I feel like I haven't seen you in forever!...oh wait, it has been for ever! tee hee I wonder if I have grown since you last saw me! I sure hope so, when you come home we will have to take lots of pictures with your camera (I always like when you take pictures of everything ) I'll send you a few pictures of me, in case you forget what I look like (just kiddin) LOVE YAH NANA!
Posted by
6:08:00 AM
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Altona Manitoba
We had a great time visiting our friends Jake and Liz in Altona Manitoba. They have 3 cute grand kids and it made me miss mine even more. I was sad to see I missed the "sunflower" season but I did get a few photos. We are now in Moose Jaw Saskatchewan and it is cloudy and a bit misty with rain showers. Tomorrow we will be in Alberta, so much closer to home!
Posted by
2:16:00 PM
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Thunder Bay
Posted by
6:55:00 PM
Friday, September 07, 2007
Thunder Bay Ontario
Well we are homeward bound, now in Thunder Bay; but I want to show you a few more photos of Niagara Falls. We took the boat tour "Maid of the Mist" and although we got wet it was wonderful....though a bit scary for me". We also went on the "White Water Walk" and although I do not like heights I did walk the board walk and enjoyed the view of the rapids. The other exciting view of Niagara Falls was from the "Journey Behind the Falls" tour. So here a few photos from these three events we went on.
Posted by
11:05:00 AM
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Niagara Falls
We are enjoying our 5 days here in Niagara Falls, the weather is fantastic, warm and sunny. Although I wish to be home with my family, I am happy we decided to come here. The falls are spectacular and they even put colored lights on them at night. Where we had dinner we enjoyed a good view of the falls and the fire works! Here are a few photos and a Slide Show if Ernest's photos! Keeli and Kiana your "Bear and Beaver" like it here and we are going to take them on the boat! I asked this little girl to hold them for me so I can take their photo!
Posted by
6:47:00 AM