We had a nice turkey dinner at Hilda and Henry's! It was so warm and a beautiful day. After dinner we played cards and just had so much fun with these two special Friends. Also are a few photos of Hilda's cacti that are blooming for the first time since she planted then many years ago.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Easter Dinner at Henry and Hilda's
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5:01:00 PM
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Ted & Vivian and FLo & Vern's party
This is our last "Birthday" Party! Ted & Vivian and Vern & Flo hosted the huge party! They also have friends who are musicians so we had a variety of music! What a fun time we all had!
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6:32:00 PM
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Chester & Sharon in Yuma!
Well my brother and his wife finally made it to Yuma! We have not seen them since July 1st. as they spent the summer travelling through Canada and then spent the winter exploring the USA. It is good to have them both here in Yuma even if it is only for a short time! Here are a few photos of our time together. Thanks to Sharon for her help in setting up an itinerary for our trip through the states and maritime provinces. The first photo on the patio is at Chester's motor home and the other two of Chester and Sharon are inside our motor home.
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6:18:00 PM
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Norma & Greorge Shrimp Fry
Norma and George had the whole group over for a shrimp fry! George is a fantastic cook and we always enjoy a good feed at their place. Tonight was special also because Rosemary played for us. She has not played for a few years and is just starting to play her guitar again. We really enjoyed the evening with Flo on her keyboard as well. We have a few really good singers in our group and they even all joined in tonight!
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5:39:00 PM
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Pauline & Bob's Mexican Fiesta
Pauline and Bob had a Mexican Fiesta, and what a fiesta is was....lots of fun! We had a great meal and of course music! It was so much fun that even the neighborhood Iguana came to see what was going on!
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5:39:00 PM
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Pat & Art's New Lot and New Kitchen!
Friends Pat and Art bought this lot at the end of last season in Yuma, they worked hard to get the Casita and Kitchen ready and this was a big party celebrating the finished project. The BBQ Beef was superb. What a fun night, not only did we have music we also seemed to find some "stand up comics" and even if the jokes were not that funny the men telling them were!
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6:03:00 PM